The 2011 anime reinvents saving the world and explores the line between vice and virtue. What better time to revisit it than on its 10 year anniversary?…
The world of social media is often full of indignity. It offers an oasis of cruelty just as much as it offers an oasis of opportunity and information-seeking. It perpetuates the rise of bullies.…
The producers of the hit reality TV show have introduced several advantages into the game over the last 20 years, but which ones were really worth their while?…
This Netflix original is an ideal starting point for people interested in incorporating reflection and processing one’s emotions into their daily lives.…
'F--- Anyone Who’s Not A Sea Blob' can come across as disjointed at points, but when it sticks to its central theme, it creates something gut-wrenching.…
What do these seven shows all have in common? If you can't get enough of the hit Netflix series, here are some others that offer drama, romance, a sense of escape and a compelling mix…
Sponsored content on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat are becoming more and more prevalent. At the very least, the process of posting paid promotions needs to be more transparent.…
Released alongside the Wii U, the game is an ambitious title that seeks to bring all Nintendo fans together. It mostly succeeds, although its single-player mode falls a little short.…