Matiza, an undergraduate at Pennsylvania State University, reopened the online grocery and appliance store Zimbogini for citizens of his native country.…
American University student Maria Rose Belding is the founder of MEANS Database, a website that allows excess food to be shared with food banks to combat hunger.…
From watching #SuperBowl2018 on the latest LG TVs to Lyft’s self-driving cars, CES 2018 tech could potentially shape the future of several major industries…
The Trump administration could leave 200,000 Salvadorans deported after 17 years of building lives in the U.S. and despite obvious safety concerns in El Salvador.…
While the effort to maintain campaign commitments is ever-present, President Trump will need the additional support a bipartisan Congress can offer to move forward in 2018.…
Wes Anderson’s newest release, ‘Isle of Dogs,’ promises to cash in on a Wes-Anderson truism: that the director was born to make stop-motion-animation films.…
Julien Turner of Morehouse College is using his passion for films and film making to fight back racial stereotypes and educate the community on social issues.…
First-year University of Oregon student Francesca Smith has recently penned a petition that suggests the potential removal of a derogatory mural on campus.…
As the world rings in the New Year, Pantone has already established 2018’s first cultural resolution: Ultra Violet 18-3838 will dominate as the Color of the Year.…