Many students rely on their college for gym access. If you've returned to your hometown and don't have a local gym, there are still plenty of fun ways to get exercise.…
Parts of December and January are primarily times of relaxation for college students, but too much of nothing for too long can also easily put you in a sluggish rut.…
Whether you’re looking to relax your mind with yoga or burn calories without having to disturb your neighbors, these health influencers will help you work out in your small living space.…
The chemical known for bringing happiness to Gen Z is very attainable. Here are some suggestions on how to increase your happy levels in a natural way.…
Treating oneself regularly can be detrimental, and it is important to be aware of the line between taking necessary time for oneself and creating bad habits.…
Setting exercise goals is great for getting in shape and improving athletic ability — but when taken too far, these innocent attempts to tone up can turn into unhealthy obsessions.…
Not only is lifting weights good for your health, but it can help cultivate a sense of confidence and self-leadership that can drastically improve your life.…