The right of free speech, as outlined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is always prevalent in America, except right now on college campuses. …
With an incredibly unique educational experience and an international study body, Minerva University is giving students the opportunity to travel and complete their bachelor’s degree at the same time.…
It can be daunting to put yourself out there in a normal situation. It can be even more daunting as a writer sharing your work, but trust me, it’s so worth it in the end.…
While this fall may not allow students to participate in sporting events or attend parties, there are still ways for you to interact with your friends.…
Sustainable fashion that's budget-friendly can be hard to find, but these brands offer eco-friendly clothing, swimwear and jewelry at a reasonable price.…
Even though many students will be attending school from home instead of returning to campus, it's still important to prepare for the upcoming semester.…
If you’re surrounded by family members who work in high-risk environments, is living at home any safer than living on campus or in an off-campus apartment?…
Going to the doctor isn't always an option now, but not everyone has access to the necessary devices for virtual visits. A group of college students is trying to change that.…
Self-care routines are often complex and easily forgetten when the stress of school returns. Instead, prepare yourself with these refreshing practices.…
The professional social networking service can be a powerful tool for those in school, but there are a few things to keep in mind when you’re just getting started.…
Seven college students came together to found the organization, which helps get letters of thanks to health care workers putting their lives on the line during the pandemic.…
Not being able to go out into the field has made student journalism a little more difficult, but with these tips, you should be able get info for your stories while keeping social distancing guidelines.…
Public monuments to slave owners and racist leaders are nothing new, but their removal should force us to reconsider what we commemorate, especially at our schools.…
Schools were thrown headfirst into digital classrooms and the outcomes have been deemed less than successful. Now we are left to fill in the educational gaps.…