Letterboxd movie playlist line up.
Illustrated by Mikayla Rafala, University of Connecticut

Five Letterboxd Lists to Mix Up Your Movie Night

With so much content available on streaming services, people often are overwhelmed by choice. Here are five themed lists to make that decision easier.
May 5, 2024
6 mins read

In the world of streaming, decision fatigue is real. A Nielsen Media Research study from last year even found that 20% of viewers reported being so overwhelmed by choice that they often ended their streaming session without watching anything.

In cases like these, it can be best to plan ahead. One useful tool that can help combat decision fatigue is a carefully curated Letterboxd list made by movie lovers for movie lovers. Below are a few lists my friends and I consult on a weekly basis when planning Saturday movie nights.

Classic Movies for Beginners

The “Classic Movies for Beginners” list is exactly what it sounds like: a list of easy-to-watch cinema from Hollywood’s gold and silver ages, complete with customized posters to make the list aesthetically pleasing. Every film listed is considered essential viewing for the average film buff, and the selection spans a wide variety of genres, directors and decades. Helpfully, the list is organized from the easiest watch (“The Wizard of Oz”) to the most difficult watch (“Gone With the Wind”). 

Where to start: Despite the list’s difficulty scale, I actually recommend beginning with Hitchcock’s “Rear Window:” a fun ensemble thriller that manages to both keep you on your toes and have a feel-good ending.

Weirdo Watchlist

The Weirdo Watchlist, which inspired this article, is extremely useful when you want to shake up your viewing habits. If you’re bored of the classic tropes found in the average blockbuster action movie or romantic comedy, the Weirdo Watchlist is there to help you find a movie that is, as they describe it, “slightly off.”

Make no mistake, though; this list isn’t a one-to-one copy of the Criterion Collection, nor an obscure cinema catalog. “Slightly off” is a broad category, and the list ranges from wide and generally popular releases like “The Green Knight” or “Cats,” to more niche movies, such as the 2016 indie dark comedy “The Greasy Strangler,” or the 2004 Japanese B-comedy, “The Calamari Wrestler.” 

Where to start: “Strawberry Mansion” is good if you want a trippy indie movie with fantastic practical effects. If you’re more in the mood for a dark comedy showcase of Rainn Wilson’s dramatic talents, try “Super.”

If You Like (2010s Movie) Watch (Older Movie)

This list, too, can help you exit your comfort zone. The concept is pretty self-explanatory: the list provides older counterparts to modern movies. So, if you like “The Joker” (2019), watch “The King of Comedy” (1982). While those two movies are very comparable thematically, it is good to keep in mind that it’s not exactly a science, and some comparisons on the list are a bit looser than that. For instance, the main similarity between “Birdman” (2014) and “Rope” (1948) is that both are supposed to be one-take films. Thematically and plot-wise, though, they’re not very alike.

Where to start: The new-old duo of “Knives Out” (2019) and “Clue” (1985) would make for a great comedy murder-mystery double-feature during your next movie night.

Visually Insane

Visually Insane is perhaps what many people expect the Weirdo Watchlist to be when they click on it. It’s wall after wall of bright, psychedelic thumbnails organized by color, boasting movies that offer a “hallucinogenic, meditative, harrowing, dreamy, or chaotic visual feast.” Unlike a few of the other lists, the nature of this list means that it also features a good amount of animated films alongside its more classic fare, which offers a whole new realm of crazy visuals.

Where to start:Perfect Blue” is a nerve-wracking psychological thriller with incredible animation guaranteed to make your night. 

Good Movies That Are Free on Archive.org

If you’re anything like me, skimming through these lists has gotten you in the mood to sit down and watch a good film. Maybe you fear losing momentum by opening Netflix and succumbing to the “staring into the refrigerator” effect. 

Worry not, because this list offers a small selection of outstanding movies that are all free (and legal) on the Internet Archive, some of which are even on the other lists mentioned above! Great Movies That Are Free on Archive.org is a fantastic list to keep handy as a pick-me-up consolation prize after discovering something you want to watch is only available on a platform you don’t have.

Where to start: “Harold and Maude” is a well-acted dark comedy that beautifully captures an unconventional but touching love story. It’s a bit out there, but it’s definitely a must-watch. 

Next time you open up Netflix and boggle at the seemingly infinite scroll, give one of these lists a try– not only will you actually be able to decide on a film, but you might find a new favorite you wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. Happy viewing!

Amelie Allen, University of Arizona

Contributing Writer

Amelie Allen

University of Arizona

Political Science, Minor in Journalism

"Amelie Allen is a senior at the University of Arizona studying Political Science and Journalism. She is passionate about storytelling and travel. In her free time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and watching old movies."

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