
5 Must-Have Pinterest Boards To Inspire Every User

Happy pinning!

Move over Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. Pinterest is slowly making its way up in the social media world. With Pinterest, users can browse hundreds of categorized posts and save them into collections, known as boards. The platform allows for the exchange and storage of ideas, styles, recipes and more!

Unlike most social media platforms, on Pinterest, there is little to no pressure to have followers or “pins,” which are the equivalent of likes. As a matter of fact, users can chose to make their boards public to everyone, private to followers or only visible to the user themselves. As a result, Pinterest users are able to express their thoughts and interests more freely.  Pinterest does not judge.

Although there are endless Pinterest possibilities, here are five boards that will spark some inspiration for your next online board. And if you’re not on the app already, this list might inspire you to sign up and start pinning.

1. Recipes

When you hear the word Pinterest, you might envision an endless scroll of colorful plates and food dishes. Thousands of recipes and food hacks circulate the social media platform. Are you looking for a healthy vegan recipe for the summertime? Are you craving a sweet dessert but don’t have any chocolate in your pantry? Pinterest has got you covered. The best part is that most of these recipes have very few ingredients and do not take much time to cook or bake.

As someone who has always wanted to learn how to cook but never knew where to start, Pinterest was a quick and easy way to begin my journey. I started by scrolling through recipes and saving my favorites. Then, before I knew it, I was trying a new recipe every week.

Another great thing about Pinterest is that users can separate pins within a board into different sections, which allows for more organization and efficiency. Foodies can utilize this function to separate their recipes into different categories, which will allow them to spend less time figuring out what their next meal should be and more time figuring out how to make it.

2. Interior Design

Another reason why Pinterest has skyrocketed in popularity is because of its showcase of home décor. The platform is home to endless pins of design ideas and DIY instructions. Most of the pins of remodeled rooms are so aesthetically pleasing that they could be featured in an HGTV show.

With Pinterest, you will finally be able to add some variety to your home furnishings or spunk to your boring bedroom. In this way, Pinterest allows users to be one step closer to making their dreams a reality.

3. Inspirational Quotes

Although posting quotes about finding yourself or lamenting the loss of a loved one is not unique to this platform, Pinterest allows users to organize all their thoughts into one place. No more scrolling down your Facebook wall or searching through Twitter hashtags to find the quote you posted six months ago. When you need a pick-me-up, just go to your “Inspiration” Pinterest board.

Just like recipe pins, inspirational quote pins can be organized into different sections for different purposes. In this way, people can find the right words for the right moments.

4. Fitness

With summer right around the corner, people are eagerly trying to become healthier versions of themselves. After creating boards for healthy food recipes, users can also browse through workouts to help them establish an exercise routine and achieve their fitness goals.

As someone who is a beginner when it comes to fitness, it was refreshing to see a variety of step-by-step workout plans on Pinterest. Depending on the type of workout, plans will offer recommendations for different exercises or areas of the body to focus on. Most plans involve cardio exercises and routines focusing on arms, legs and abs.

Again, Pinterest does not judge. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert fitness guru. I can guarantee you will find a new exercise or workout routine to try while browsing Pinterest.

5. Fashion

As someone who always struggles with figuring out what to wear, having a Pinterest board full of outfit inspo has helped me to establish my sense of style, especially when it comes to seasonal changes.

Although some posts are direct advertisements for clothing websites, most of these fashion pins do not reveal where the featured items are from. In this way, the boards act as inspiration for users to help pair basic clothing items and accessories. Users don’t have to own a certain top or dress to accomplish the look. Instead, they can use the board as inspiration to find something similar in their own closet. With the world of fashion constantly changing, it is refreshing to see that many pins contain outfits and staple items that are still popular today.

A fun tip is to separate your fashion board by season. Start your summer board now to stay ahead on trends, but don’t forget to stay true to your own style.

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