'That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron.' Fans of Kentaro Miura's beast of a…
While the majority of the first episode seems to follow many of the familiar cliches associated with the superhero genre, it’s merely a facade meant to lure the viewer into a false sense of security.…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted that the NYC institution would be coming back in 2021. What were the responses and what challenges will theaters face post-pandemic?…
Cooking, baking and drink-making have all picked up steam during the pandemic, so take a look at these three striking Instagram chefs for inspiration in the kitchen!…
Perfect for any lover of the written word, these shows will give you some insights into the writing, reading and publishing that goes on in the literary world.…
Following the success of 'Spider-Man: Far From Home,' the iconic hero will return this Christmas. Here are some predictions about the film and what it could mean for the franchise.…
It's not easy being funny, especially when you're a student looking to break into the comedy industry. Luckily, there are some resources you can turn to.…
The celebrated superhero mini-series has been regarded as the TV series of the year because of its many outstanding attributes, such as its detailed depiction of sorrow.…
Darcie Little Badger's young adult debut is a charming story of magical realism featuring Lipan Apache representation and a murder mystery waiting to be solved.…
The moves of notable celebrities like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan are having an impact on the Lone Star State, but no one is sure what the final result will be.…
Set in a world where youth can shift between genders whenever they want, this webtoon highlights the intricacies of gender performance and individuality.…