The creators of the beloved game series Life is Strange have created a new game with the first-ever playable transgender protagonist. While many are singing its praise, the majority of critics have not been kind…
Although some have taken issue with the plot this season, the series still charms in its signature way, choosing to spotlight mental health and character development.…
The digital media giant has given the internet content for several years; however, the creators that have left seem to be much more successful in their creative endeavors.…
With promises of the return of two fan-favorite villains and teasing the long-speculated appearance of Tobey Maguire, let’s take a look at what makes the OG web-slinger so unforgettable. …
While high fashion has always been incredibly influential, this HBO Max show is aiming to change the culture surrounding an entirely ignored style of clothing.…
Having recently signed a mammoth deal for six new seasons and 14 new movies, the creators of the animated powerhouse have ensured a cascade of content to come.…
What the newest Marvel fare lacks in substance it mostly makes up for in style. But is that enough to differentiate it from the franchise's previous works?…
There's no question that cyberpunk draws heavy influence from East Asian culture and aesthetics, so why aren't Asian characters and creators given their dues within the genre?…
While some genres continue to rely on outdated tropes like female submission, others provide a beacon of hope for queer female audiences as they portray women as strong, independent leads.…