child reading a book

Why Is Reading Important for Academic Excellence?

Get children into books early, and it will pay off handsomely when they get older.
October 14, 2021
4 mins read

Reading is essential for fostering literacy in young children. According to research by the American Academy of Pediatrics, there’s a strong connection between reading at home and brain activity — especially brain activity involved in language development.

Children who start reading at a young age develop their literacy skills pretty early and increase their chances of academic success in school. But, why is reading crucial for these young minds? Let’s look at this in detail.

1. It Improves Vocabulary

Data shows that if a student reads for 20 minutes daily at home using devices such as Kindle, they will have read for 851 hours by 6th grade, and they will most likely score better in exams than 90% of their peers.

Reading expands a child’s vocabulary as they grow older. Whatever they read in a book they will use in their speech. Reading helps a child know how to use new words in context. They see how a word is used and learn how to use it. It also improves spelling, making it easier to pass exams.

2. Boosts Self Esteem

If a child reads often, they will speak and write with confidence. Reading increases knowledge and introduces new concepts a child can use when preparing for exams. Constant reading helps children retain a lot of information they will need as they advance in school.

According to statistics, children who can’t read well in third grade are four times more likely to drop out of school. They lack vital skills that determine their academic performance and progress.

3. Improves Concentration and Memory

Reading increases focus as it requires lots of concentration. It also enhances memory and thinking skills. To excel academically, a student must have great memory retention, remembering exactly what they read.

Even kids in elementary school have to remember all the characters they read about, which strengthens their memory retention skills. If your child or student is struggling with reading or lagging behind in class, you can enroll them in online reading programs that provide at-home support.

4. Enhances Creativity

Books help build children’s imagination, especially when compared to other sources of information — such as TV. A book has words that are brought to life by our minds. Once your child gets into a habit of reading, they’ll be more imaginative and creative. These skills will help them excel in creative subjects and in life.

5. Builds Critical Thinking Skills

Every parent wants their child to become a better problem solver. Problem-solving skills help kids learn to look at challenges from a fresh perspective and take more calculated risks. They learn to manage time and develop patience.

Books can develop a child’s critical thinking skills. They build analytical and problem-solving skills. As a young learner reads, they try to solve the mysteries through analysis and figure out what will happen next. These skills can be applied in school because the child is now more open-minded.

Reading can help a child succeed in school and in life. The skills they learn are crucial for both personal and academic development. Therefore, if you want a child to excel, make reading a daily habit.

About the Author

Eva is a content writer at Contenterist. She is well adept in writing on various tech topics and discussing helpful tips that are actually beneficial to one’s lifestyle in multiple ways.

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