Francesca Dabecco’s Make-A-Wish story began when her wish was granted, giving her the change to combine her passions for fashion and journalism during a once-in-a-lifetime experience writing a blog for a fashion magazine. After this incredible opportunity, Dabecco went off to Point Park University with a major in Journalism—but she didn’t stay away from Make-A-Wish for long. During her second semester in college, she started her internship with the same foundation that had made her wish come true.
Dabecco has been with Make-A-Wish for years now, putting her journalistic skills to use as their marketing/communications intern. As part of her job, she gets to interview wish recipients and their families, write stories about fulfilled wishes, work on press releases and, best of all, be part of a team that makes kids’ dreams come true.
“In 2013, I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor called a brainstem glioma. I was very sick and unsure of my future—or if I would even have one. When I felt like my world was flipped upside down, Make-A-Wish came into my life and became a turning point in not only my sickness, but also my survival.”
“After I was diagnosed, I received thirty radiation treatments over six weeks. During this time, I lived by the phrase, ‘If you look good, you feel good,’ and wore a different outfit to each treatment. It was something that helped me keep positive, show up and fight.”
“When I was referred to receive a wish, I knew that I had to do something with style. I wished to be a writer for a fashion magazine, a combination of my two passions. That’s when Make-A-Wish pulled its magic to grant me my fashion fantasy: I got to cover the week of fashion shows at LA Style Fashion Week for ‘Glamour Magazine’s’ blog.”

“My favorite part about working with Make-A-Wish is being able to see the impact of a wish every single day. I am endlessly inspired by other wish kids and their stories.”
“I love everything that I do with Make-A-Wish, but I especially enjoy being able to talk to wish kids and their families. One thing in particular that was super exciting to do was when I filmed a child’s wish coming true and edited the video for our social media. Writing is my thing, but it was fun to do something out-of-the-box and tell a wish story in another compelling medium.”
“I’ve been with Make-A-Wish going on four years now. Most students probably don’t want to spend so long at the same internship, but, for me, it is so much more than just a mark on my resume. I wouldn’t be where or who I am today if it weren’t for Make-A-Wish.”
“I’ve always felt at home in the wish office, but having worked here so long, I feel even more a part of the team. I work with the most amazing group of people who have taught me so much, inspiring me to grow and learn every day. They have become a part of me, just as much as the wish kids do.”
“Another perk of interning with the same organization for a long period is knowing your ‘groove.’ Going on four years, I am certainly now confident in what I do, opposed to those nervous beginnings of internships. I feel like my team can depend on me, and that is a great feeling to accomplish.”
“As a Journalism student, my love will always be writing and telling other’s stories. But I also have another passion, which is the mission of Make-A-Wish: to grant the wishes of children facing life-threatening medical conditions, enriching their lives with hope, strength and joy. I love what I do at Make-A-Wish, and I would be honored to continue to work with them after I graduate.”
“I hope I also continue to write articles and get my work published—I have dreams of writing a book or two. Who knows where the future will take me. All I know is that I am so lucky to be alive and have a future to dream about.”
“When I was sick, it was so difficult for me to picture a future for myself because I wasn’t sure if I would make it. But after my wish, and now working with the organization, I am inspired every day to dream bigger than I ever did before. I am very thankful.”