Brain listening to music on headphones in studying environment.
Illustrated by Alessandra Garza, University of North Texas

Background Bops: Why We Need Music to Focus

Have you ever noticed that you tend to clean faster or more efficiently when you have music on? Some people love 80s rock, others love lo-fi. What is it about music that constantly draws people to have it on?

Well, if you have any form of ADHD or trouble focusing, studies have shown that music helps the brain focus. It’s pretty common knowledge that music helps people with ADHD focus, but maybe the part about specifically helping ADHD people focus has slipped through the cracks. This study indicates that video game music specifically increases focus,which is typically where Lo-Fi comes in. A lot of lo-fi is developed from video game soundtracks, whether it’s games like “Final Fantasy VII,” “Super Mario Brothers” or “Legend of Zelda;” there’s a seemingly endless supply of lo-fi to pick from. 

Lo-Fi is great for people with ADHD to use to study and be productive. However, if I want to  instead focus on a task like household chores, I’ll typically turn on some 80s rock or early 2000s pop music instead. Having a danceable beat paired with lyrics to belt out makes the cleaning and chores go a lot smoother and a lot faster. When you can dance while you sweep or wipe down counters, it just makes it a whole lot more fun. A bit of fun is something we all could use when doing things we don’t necessarily enjoy. While some people do enjoy cleaning, there’s a greater amount that do not. If you are one of those people, just make a new playlist with all of your favorite upbeat songs and use that when you need to get to it!

Music is something that unites people. With that in mind, it only makes sense that it helps us unite better with ourselves and our focus. There’s something magical about music that I’m sure most people can feel; that certain satisfaction from belting out the lyrics to “All Too Well (10-Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version)” or “Popular” from “Wicked.” The certain enchantment of songs is indescribable. Why do some resonate with us more than others? What about that one certain chord is so striking?

.. There’s something about music that draws us in. So, next time you’re feeling a bit stuck on a particular assignment, or need some help with keeping track of time, or just want to get some cleaning done, use it! Music is great for focus, so take advantage of it!

Natalie VanHecke, University of Texas at Dallas

Contributing Writer

Natalie VanHecke

University of Texas at Dallas


"Natalie is a Literature major at the University of Texas at Dallas. When she’s not writing or studying, she can be found curled up with a good book and her dog."

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