Dear Mom, thank you for absolutely everything you do.
The unconditional love you shower over me is priceless. You loved me before you knew me and I am so grateful for that.
When I was a toddler, you taught me how to walk, eat and sleep, and you were by my side almost 24/7. You devoted your life to me. You were so proud of every little accomplishment I made and never shied away from showing me off to your friends.
As I began growing older, you woke me up every morning for school, made my lunch and helped me with my homework. The “embarrassing” notes you left all the time for me in my lunch boxes, well, they actually meant a lot. I always looked forward to coming home each day to tell you every little detail about my day at school. You listened and you cared about everything I had to tell you. The love you provided me was abundant.
Then came the middle school years. Those were not pretty. They came with a great deal of arguing and frustration. I grew into an angsty teen who never wanted to be seen in public with parents. We drifted apart. I was rude and disrespectful. You loved me anyway.

I spoke with attitude and sass, but you were always willing to look past it. Sometimes, I can’t believe I am the same person as my middle school self. The fact that at one point in my life I wanted almost nothing to do with you is insane.
Slowly but surely, throughout high school, you grew to be a friend. The old ways infiltrated into our lives; I came home from school each day eager to tell you what all had happened. You provided a listening ear. I could always come to you to tell you anything and no matter how busy your own life was, you dropped absolutely everything for me once again. ME! How lucky am I?
When I moved away for college three years ago, I’m sure you thought the majority of your job was over. So did I. We were both so incredibly wrong.
It wasn’t until college that I realized how truly blessed I was. The transition to college was difficult. Leaving behind my whole life in an effort to start over somewhere else was tricky. You consoled my qualms over the phone as I told you how homesick I felt and how much I missed you.
When I felt as if the whole world was against me, I had you there, just a phone call away. The caring and loving words always put my mind at ease. Over time, I have grown less homesick and more at ease, but your caring words are always there when I need them.
Since moving to college, calls are sometimes made to you on the daily, even with no advanced notice. You have always been willing to drop everything in your own life to help me in my own.
Whether that includes advising me on how to deal with friend problems, how to cook chicken wings or even how to pay my credit card statement, you are always there. There are a multitude of other times that you’ve provided me with your motherly insight, but if I went into all of the times, it would probably take hours.
The journey throughout college has been such an enriching and challenging one. When I changed my major several times, you always supported me and had my back. When I felt anxious about classes or the future of my life, you always reassured me, telling me everything was going to be alright. And even though you aren’t physically here to be by my side, I always feel your presence.
I know that I will continue to have these moments, moments of confusion and lack of knowledge that I will so desperately need you for. A mother’s job is never finished and I know that as a I grow older you will serve as a source of guidance and encouragement.
I am so thankful to be able to call you a best friend. I look up to you each and every day. Every time I think about you, I think of a strong, kind, loving, hilarious and generous woman. I aspire to be even a fraction of the woman you are. The way you always brighten up a room and bring about such a funny demeanor is so amazing. I always feel so blessed and great when friends tell me how much I am like you.
I have so many things I am thankful for that you have given me. I have been cherished and loved for so many years. I have been blessed with a mother who instilled in me such strong morals and taught me how to be a well-rounded person. The desire to help others — I received that from you.
Thank you for being my number one fan and best friend. I cannot imagine a world where you don’t exist and I am so incredibly grateful for the immense amount of love and kindheartedness you have provided me with. I wouldn’t be here without you.
So, happy Mother’s Day, mom. I hope that even though we don’t get to spend this day together so I can shower you with an ounce of the love that you give me, that you feel so loved. I hope you know what an amazing influence you have been for me in my life. College isn’t always easy, but just like all the other stages of my life, you have helped me through it, one step or one phone call at a time. I love you so much.
A College Student