The Netflix original series “Queer Eye” premiered early February, and it is totally binge-worthy. Unfortunately, there is only one season, meaning that most of us will destroy it in a day or two.
The series is a revived edition of the original “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” that played back when cable TV was a thing. The entire premise of the show is essentially giving a life makeover to the nominated guest to help them overcome an obstacle they’re facing.
The show plays with the stereotype of gay men being experts in anything related to fashion and interior design by delivering the Fab Five who do just that.
The Fab Five are Bobby the interior designer, Antoni the culinary expert, Jonathan who will slay your hair, Tan who will step up your fashion game and Karamo who will teach you how to act. The show is modern, fun and run by strong gay men. What more could you ask for?
Although the vibe is playful, “Queer Eye” ties in valuable life lessons anyone can benefit from.
In the second episode, the Fab Five are working with Neal, a 36-year-old guy who hides behind long hair and a beard in an attempt to close off the world. Neal lives life with a barrier around him at all times and keeps his personal life to himself. He hasn’t had anyone over to his house in over 10 years because he feels protected that way.
Many people go through life like this, too afraid to let anyone in. Although I can understand the fear of being hurt or betrayed, as humans, we long for connection, and having relationships with other people is crucial to our well-being. No one enjoys feeling vulnerable because it’s terrifying and risky, but vulnerability is your gateway to truly living.
During the episode, Karamo, the culture expert, asks Neal what building a metaphorical wall is keeping him from, and he responds, “I think it’s keeping me from being more consistently happy, honestly.”
We know that if we close ourselves off from others, we will definitely not get hurt, but will we be happy? The act of vulnerability stems from being courageous and knowing that there is a possibility of being mistreated and being okay with that fact.
Humans are very emotional creatures, so whatever it may be, allow yourself to feel it. Don’t reject your feelings or relationships with others because of fear. That is no way to live.
Stay True to Yourself

The corny cliché may actually have something valuable to teach us. Episode 4 of “Queer Eye” features AJ, who is still in the closet to some of the closest people in his life.
As a result, in order to avoid being outed, AJ tries to dodge any stereotypically gay behavior in order to keep his secret concealed, meaning the conservative engineer avoids bright-colored clothing and seeming feminine.
While Tan is out shopping for a new wardrobe for AJ, he says, “This masculine life he wants to live, I think is more what society expects of him than what he truly feels inside.”
At one point, Antoni tells AJ that when he first came out as gay, he felt as though he had to wear brighter colors and shorter shorts all of a sudden, but then realized it just wasn’t him. The moral of the story here is just do you.
Of course, we all care what people think to an extent, but don’t let it run your life and personal decisions. If you’re gay and want to wear neon pink, do it! Also, if you’re gay and want to wear all black every day, then do that.
At the end of the day, everyone needs to make decisions based on their own happiness and not aim to appear a certain way because of a stereotype or stigma. This life lesson applies to everyone obviously, but this episode is especially helpful to queer people who are struggling with their self-representation.
Who knew a reality TV show would give viewers some food for thought?

It’s 2018, and self-love is totally trending. No, but seriously, take care of yourself even when it’s 2019 and beyond. Throughout the season, “Queer Eye” features several characters who have let themselves go and just gotten comfortable being insecure.
In college, you start developing habits that will stick with you into adulthood, so it is important to implement some self-care routines ASAP.
In the first episode, viewers meet 57-year-old Tom who has gotten into a routine life and says he doesn’t have luck with women because he’s “butt ugly.” In reality, all Tom had to do was put a little more effort into himself. Once the Fab Five got ahold of him though, his confidence skyrocketed.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying to just take care yourself on a superficial level. You don’t need to have your hair snatched and makeup on point 24/7, but you also don’t want to feel like you gave up on yourself either.
Self-care goes hand in hand with confidence and that sense of self-worth radiates an energy that others can recognize. Wear a cute outfit for yourself, journal your thoughts and reflect upon them, take a bath and just breathe. Do things to nurture yourself. The fact that self-love is so prominent right now means that we were doing something wrong before.
I was hooked on the first 10 minutes of Episode 1, and I know you’ll be too. The Fab Five’s personalities are fun and engaging to say the least. The show is definitely relatable, and you’ll be surprised what you’ll get from “Queer Eye” apart from entertainment. It’s time to binge!