
Need Dating Advice? Ask These 5 YouTube Channels

Any and all questions welcome.
March 31, 2019
9 mins read

Picture this: You finally go out on a first date with your crush from your noon MWF class, but it doesn’t go as planned, and you’re left unsure about how to approach the situation going forward. You ask your friends about it and are told not to worry, but you can’t help but have THAT feeling. You seem to have arrived at a romantic crossroads, and your next move is unclear.

If you find yourself in this situation and are looking for advice, in addition to turning to your standard confidantes, you might also consider exploring another popular but less obvious source: YouTubers and their dating wisdom.

YouTubers can certainly supply worthwhile tips to help with the aforementioned predicament or any other ones, as they provide detailed explanations for common dating questions to help their viewers avoid sticky situations in real life.

Though resorting to YouTubers for dating advice might be a head-scratcher to some, there are some channels completely dedicated to providing curious or advice-seeking people with tips and potential strategies to succeed in the dating world. Here are some channels to consult if you find yourself in a similar situation or just need extra tips for dating.

1. Teachingmensfashion

I first stumbled upon this channel randomly, but have come to realize it is a gold mine for guys’ various questions about dating and approaches to land a date in the first place. The host, the knowledgeable Jose Zuniga, created the channel to teach men about successful dating techniques. On it, he provides aspiring romantics with information about fashionable clothing, grooming/hygiene trends and dating advice so they can attract the lady they have been eyeing.

In addition, the recently engaged advice-giver dishes out tips for how men can live a worthwhile life, including how to use time wisely, worthwhile financial investments and how to make some extra money. However, as expected, most subscribers come for the dating advice and the intelligent YouTuber makes sure to include a wide array of topics.

In terms of dating, Zuniga has covered topics such as how to land a second date, what outfits attract girls, how to hold interesting conversation, reasons why you cannot get a date in the first place and much more. The vast number of topics covered by Zuniga means no dating questions from the male perspective are left behind, even the most outlandish ones. For example, the channel even includes tips on how to take a shower properly and five words that will get your crush to “fall in love with you.” Zuniga posts videos daily, and his channel has reached 3.8 million subscribers (pretty much all dudes), while the channel itself has 1,000 videos.

2. Brian Redmon

Brian Redmon is a 24- year-old male YouTuber whose dating advice is for women, from his own male perspective. Redmon has dedicated his channel to helping inform women about the ins and outs of romantic situations. The young dating-advice specialist’s content revolves around male thoughts, their hidden cues and how they act when attracted to a woman.

With nearly a million subscribers and 274 videos as of writing this article, the seasoned YouTuber’s channel covers a good chunk of dating advice and corresponding topics for women who cannot seem to figure out a man they might like. For example, some popular videos circulating on the channel revolve around topics such as outfits girls wear that guys would love, things girls do that guys love and picking up on the hidden cues that a guy does when they like a girl.

In addition, Redmon provides personal anecdotes of his previous dating and life experiences to connect with his large audience. The channel covers general content about dating advice from the YouTuber’s understanding, which makes the information realistic and based on experience.


3. DatingLogic

DatingLogic has fewer subscribers compared to the previous two channels (103K), but provides terrific dating advice from a male YouTuber who answers questions related to dating with lengthy responses. The channel covers dating advice for both men and women, and encompasses an expansive number of topics. Believe me when I say DatingLogic includes many topics, as it has a staggering 12,000 videos, most of which are very short (30 seconds to five minutes).

Some video examples include dates, infidelity in relationships, friendships turning romantic, clues to realize someone might like you and long-distance relationship tips. The videos are all very similar in their structure; the YouTuber simply answers a dating-related question while sitting in a chair at his place. However, do not be deceived by the bland layouts of the videos, as the advice is very helpful and straightforward.

To stay interactive, the well-versed YouTuber encourages comments and feedback from his viewers, and he always includes a link in the description section of his videos for any interested person to visit and post private questions they might have.

4. Alpha M.

Like Teachingmensfashion, channel owner Aaron Marino provides an ample supply of advice for men to be prepared in the dating field and deal with any obstacles thrown at them. Marino vows to train his viewers to become, well you guessed it, alpha males.

With nearly 5 million subscribers and 1,000 videos, all sorts of dating and persona-enhancement techniques are available on the channel. Some popular Alpha M. videos relate to techniques for successful flirting, such as things guys can do to present themselves as impressionable, subtle signs a woman might like a man and much more. The multitude of videos on the channel, just like Teachingmensfashion, makes any sort of dating query most likely available somewhere in the cluster of videos.

5. Matthew Hussey

Though more likely to be known as pop singer Camilla Cabello’s hunky British boyfriend, Hussey is actually a very successful YouTuber who has a knack for giving dating advice to women who seek it. Hussey’s popular channel has garnered 1.7 million subscribers, and has a reasonable 467 videos of information as of this article being written.

Hussey’s channel is like Brian Redmon’s, in that he provides a male perspective of the dating world to provide a clear picture to ladies about the perplexities of male romance/attraction. Some of the dating-advice sage’s most admired uploads are phrases women can use to get a guy to fall for them, the art of texting guys and how to attract a guy.

Using YouTube for dating advice might not be your go-to choice, but if your friends are unable to give you the help you need, try turning to one of these resources next time around. Whether you want to clarify any dating questions, receive some guidance or just browse through dating videos out of curiosity, these YouTubers might be able to help you land that second date in the future.

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