In an article about CBD and the best time of the day to take it, a cannabis seedling

When Is the Best Time of the Day To Take Your CBD?

Morning, night or afternoon — which is best?
July 26, 2020
5 mins read

Most people don’t think about the best time of day to load a CBD cartridge into their vaporizer and start vaping their favorite cannabis strain. They simply vape their favorite strain whenever they’re feeling depressed or anxious. It could be in the morning, afternoon or at night before they go to sleep. There is no telling when someone might consume CBD.

The truth is that there’s no recommended time of day to take CBD. Cannabinoids affect each person differently, so the best time of day to take CBD will be different for everyone. Some people might benefit more by taking it before they go to sleep if they suffer from insomnia. Other people might want to take it in the morning because it helps settle their nerves before they go into work for the day.

Everyone has a different reason for consuming CBD products, whether it is CBD Vape Oil or an edible Girl Scout Cookies Strain. You need to think about the three primary factors that influence when you take CBD. Let’s review those factors now.

1. Symptom Relief

The number one factor that influences a person’s decision to take CBD is symptom relief. For example, if you are in a bad mood and you want to feel better, then you might feel compelled to take CBD.

After all, CBD helps elevate a person’s mood so that they feel happier and more relaxed. This comes in handy for all kinds of situations, such as work, school or sleep. Let’s say you’ve got insomnia and you want to relax more. CBD can help you do that.

Since you might experience negative symptoms at any time of the day, you might decide to consume CBD whenever those symptoms persist. There is nothing wrong with doing that.   

2. Number of Doses

Do not worry about overdosing on CBD because there are no toxins or dangerous chemicals in cannabinoids. And since cannabinoid receptors do not exist in the brainstem, a CBD overdose does not alter the vital functions of your body. Therefore, you won’t experience trouble breathing or weak blood circulation if you take CBD too many times throughout the day.

However, some people have reportedly experienced mild side effects from overconsuming CBD. These side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, anxiety and vomiting. It is very rare for these side effects to be experienced, though. You’d have to really indulge in CBD for these symptoms to present themselves.

If you want to be safe, then you should always follow the recommended dosage amount that is on the label of the CBD product packaging. It probably won’t tell you what time of day to consume the product, but it will tell you the serving size and dosage amount. So, each time you consume the product, just follow the serving size recommendation. Once the effects of it wear off, then it should be okay to consume it again if you want.

3. Consumption Method

There are different ways you can consume CBD products, such as smoking, vaping, ingesting and eating. For example, the easiest way to consume CBD is by swallowing a CBD capsule. It causes the health benefits to be experienced more gradually because it takes time to pass through your digestive system. That makes CBD capsules great to consume in the morning and at night.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for instant pain relief at any particular time of the day, then you will want to vape or smoke your favorite CBD strain. Vaping and smoking provide immediate pain relief for a shorter amount of time. For instance, you could be stressed out at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and decide to consume CBD vape oil as a way to get relief. There is no wrong time of day to vape or smoke CBD if your pain is too unpleasant.


As you can see, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the best time of day to consume CBD. You get to decide the best time of day, according to your preferences and symptoms. High doses of CBD may offer more relief but be prepared for the potential minor side effects if you over-consume CBD.

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