Nine years after its premiere on YouTube, Netflix has released a reboot of Natasha Allegri’s beloved animated series. After its release on Sep. 6, the show quickly gained new fans and much-deserved attention.…
In an effort to save money, the streaming platform has pulled the plug on numerous animated shows and movies. How does this affect the people who spent countless hours making and watching them?…
Western cartoons were once entirely hand-drawn, frame by frame. With the rise of computer-based CGI and the success of movies like 'Frozen,' however, the medium has been seeing some drastic changes.…
The multitalented streamer and creator appeals to a wide audience with diverse content that ranges from lo-fi tracks to art lessons, all of which influence each other.…
While Disney’s newest film isn't perfect, it marks a change in how the studio operates creatively and prompts questions about how the studio will approach future releases.…