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5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need to Ignore Stress

Being a student and experiencing stress is a standard combination. You must work hard to achieve good grades, all while trying to adjust to a new environment and routine.
March 12, 2024
4 mins read

It can undoubtedly take its toll. While stress might be a shared experience amongst students, that doesn’t mean you need to ignore it. In fact, the five reasons below are why you shouldn’t. 

You Have Access to Stress-Relieving Products

When businesses like Secret Nature CBD stock a range of products that might help people with their stress levels, it doesn’t make sense to ignore stress or push it to the side. Instead, you can start researching the different stress-relieving products to see which suits your unique needs. 

For example, many people use CBD products to feel more relaxed and less stressed. Current evidence from human studies supports CBD as a treatment option for anxiety-related disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and PTSD. 

Students Can Access On-Campus Support

Universities, colleges, and other learning institutes understand how overwhelming the transition into tertiary education can be. They recognize that many students can struggle with their workload, being away from their home environments, and forming new relationships and friendships. 

As a result, most learning institutes offer mental health and well-being support services. At a minimum, you’ll likely be able to access counseling services. However, many school leaders are also starting to explore telehealth, group therapy, and peer counseling. 

You Can Rely On Your Peers

Friends don’t see friends struggle. Instead, when our peers feel stressed, overwhelmed, or unhappy, we step in to see how we can help. You can expect the same if you’re feeling stressed in a particular situation. 

Reach out to your friends, classmates, or roommates and share your feelings. Sometimes, telling someone how you feel can be enough to make you feel like you’re not alone in your struggles. 

Your Family Can Support You

If you have a close, supportive family, reach out to them when you’re feeling stressed. You might take a break from your studies to pay a visit or simply call them on the phone. If you have social media, using the video call functionality to talk to loved ones might also make you feel better. Social media is commonly used for networking, but you might also use it to reach out during your most vulnerable moments.

Ignoring Stress Is Bad for Your Health

You don’t need to ignore stress when there are so many avenues for support. However, not ignoring stress is also crucial due to its potential health implications. Long-term, ongoing stress can increase your risk of hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. Repeated acute stress and chronic stress might also cause inflammation in your circulatory system. The health risks alone can be reason enough for you to seek ways to alleviate stress. 

Ignoring your stress might seem like the easiest option when you have no time for it. However, with so many easy ways to relieve it, facing it head-on can be much easier and healthier. Take some of these stress-relieving actions above, and you might feel happier and healthier for doing so.

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