Traveling is understood differently by everyone. Most people believe someone must be wealthy to travel — however, we live in a time where anyone can travel with the money they save up.
This article will specifically focus on college students. Thanks to television and books, college is something everyone seems to understand, even if they didn’t attend school; however, the real truth of it is that attending school is expensive, and it costs money to get educated. Throughout their college careers, the majority of college students struggle to provide for themselves financially. Most learn to manage their life situation, oftentimes, for example, by surviving on ramen noodles. Moreover, many students don’t get enough sleep and often have to work hard to maintain a sense of stability.
That said, who said a college student can’t have the desire to travel?
Most students are hard workers who have to balance multiple relationships, such as those with their coworkers, friends, romantic partners and fellow students. All of that can be difficult to manage. That’s where a vacation plan comes in — students work too hard not to allow themselves to enjoy life. A student doesn’t have to feel overwhelmed to want to travel. Any student should take the opportunity because it offers amazing life experiences. It allows them to gain a new perspective; the world is a beautiful place, so why limit oneself?
So, how can a college student save up enough funds to experience something new? Well, for one, they should discipline themselves and exercise self-control. Many things go on during school — for instance, parties, concerts and nights at the club — and most cost money to attend. Nevertheless, if a student has made it their goal to visit a new country or go on a mini-vacation, they must save. The action is easier said than done; we all think we can, but struggle when it comes time to actually do it.
As a result, it is vital for students to find easy and healthy ways to save money. According to Sydney Lutz: “Sometimes saving money involves things as simple as canceling subscriptions, buying things in bulk, and cooking more at home. Whatever the case may be, cut down on spendy habits and start building good saving habits to stash away like a squirrel with acorns for winter.” Below is a list of eight tips that can help anyone struggling to save money.
Eight Tips on How To Save
1. Get a job
Most specifically, get a part-time job that won’t interfere with your schoolwork. For instance, work-study is a great option, and so is Door Dash or anything that offers flexibility. If the goal is to take a vacation, you must work and work.
2. Save
You must save whatever you have as you go because it’s something. No one knows your financial situation other than yourself, so save according to your income.
3. Learn to say no
You don’t have to attend every event or party that your friends invite you to. Learn to say no so you don’t spend money on things you don’t want to do.
4. Learn to budget
Track and organize your spending. Everyone has a different way to budget. Some keep a notebook while others use a digital app.
5. Limit social outings
Be mindful of how often you eat out or attend outings that require money. Allow yourself to attend free events and do activities that don’t need you to pull out your wallet.
6. Minimize your textbook expenses
Either buy used books or rent them.
According to FundMyTravel, “The average student spends more than $1,200 a year on textbooks! Many college students can’t wait to sell their books. Take advantage of used textbook sites, free textbooks in PDF or eBook form, and college social media groups to find a good deal and to save even more money.”
7. Use cash
Using cash instead of a card gives you a spending limit. For instance, if you walk into a store and you only have $10, you’re going to use it wisely. Now if you have your debit card, the story is different.
8. Learn about student discounts
There are many discounts for students; however, they aren’t helpful if students aren’t aware of them. Students should learn about these offers and take advantage of them. According to College Ave Student Loans, “Discounts are available on everything from clothing to laptop and notebook computers for those with a valid student ID. For example, Apple, and Adobe offer reduced prices on tech, while hundreds of big brands like Madewell, Forever 21, and J.Crew give money off on clothing.”
The items on this list might not work for everyone. However, most can be used by any student that wants to make changes. For anyone that wants to save money for travel, a job is required; however, remember that your education is more important. Yes, you want to see the world but don’t sacrifice your education for it. Educate yourself about all the things that are offered to students. For instance, most colleges have study abroad programs that allow a student to see and learn about other cultures. Go on and learn about all the benefits you have as a student and use them.