Nowadays, higher education is essential for high school graduates. And, it is universally accepted that the better the quality of the education you receive, the higher the likelihood you will have of succeeding after you finish college.
Indeed, in addition to the value of the education itself, the skills you’ll learn during your college years are priceless and will help improve your overall quality of life as a post-graduate.
What’s more though, school is an important time to learn about yourself, experiment, move beyond your comfort zone and make memories that will last you a lifetime. For many people, their college years are some of the most memorable of their life, because it’s there that people experience activities like all-night partying, visiting cam adult sites or other crazy actions that are just part of collegiate life.
As a result, what college you choose is incredibly important, as is what country you choose to study in. Apart from the U.S., where about a quarter of students are foreigners, there are plenty of countries with quality universities for students looking to experience an entirely new slice of life.
1. Great Britain
Great Britain is one of the most popular countries for higher education; in fact, four British universities made it into the Top 10 list of the best educational institutions across the globe.
If you want to graduate from a British university, make sure to consider your employment options beforehand and get an internship at a company, that way you’ll have a much higher chance of being hired after graduation. The Aberdeen University in Scotland, also, attracts a lot students in the oil and gas field.
2. The Netherlands
The Netherlands are known for their high level of education, and their most popular specialties are related to engineering, shipbuilding and business.
Going to university in the Netherlands is an especially good idea for anyone who wants to start their own business in the country, as its rate of taxation is low, registration is easy and there are a number of financial programs that support business ventures.
3. Germany
Germany provides the unique opportunity of free-of-charge education. In addition, the country covets medical students, because they currently have a lack of specialists in the field.
So, if you’re interested in studying medicine and have any background in the German language, there’s an all-expenses-paid dorm in Frankfurt with your name on it.
4. Canada
Colleges in Canada have a higher acceptance rate than those in the U.S., meaning that it’s almost a sure bet that you can find your way in to one of them.

Unfortunately, however, many Canadian universities restrict access to certain fields, such as medicine, dentistry, architecture and law, to native Canucks, meaning foreign students interested in those arenas should look elsewhere.
On the plus side, Canadian colleges are known for collaborating more closely with business entities, ensuring their graduates are ready for demands of the modern economy.
5. Australia
Going to college has one severe pro and one severe con.
Con: It is one of the most expensive countries to get your education in. Pro: it is also one of the easiest to get a job in, especially if you’re in the natural sciences field. Do with that info what you will.