In a story about plastic surgery woman holding flowers over her chest.

Unveiling Diverse Voices: College Students’ Perspectives on Plastic Surgery and Self-Expression

Conversation about plastic surgery seems to be something that may pique everyone's interest so let's talk about it!
August 8, 2023
7 mins read

The universe of nips, tucks, and all in between is ours to explore. Now, before you start thinking of A-listers and drastic makeovers, let’s take a step back and realize that cosmetic surgery isn’t only for showbiz. Body image, self-confidence, and social norms are just a few of the facets that fall under this umbrella term.

Before we delve into breast volume enhancement or any other procedures let’s instead survey the opinions of college kids on cosmetic surgery generally. Do they support it as a group? Do they have doubts? On the other hand, do they perceive it as a means of self-expression?

Some individuals are curious about trying a little augmentation, but there are those who are perfectly happy with their authentic selves. Plastic surgery may be seen as empowering for some students, while others may claim that it promotes unattainable beauty standards.

Get ready for the plastic surgery roller coaster with us as we explore the perspectives of today’s college students on this rapidly developing subject.

Changes in Plastic Surgery Over Time

Ancient civilizations including India, Egypt, and Greece left the first written accounts of plastic surgery. However, what we recognize as plastic surgery today didn’t appear until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since then, there have been tremendous developments in methods, supplies, and safeguards, opening the area to a wider audience and expanding its appeal.

Breast Augmentation: A Common Procedure

Breast volume enhancement, which involves the addition of implants or fat transfer to the breasts in order to increase their size, is one of the most often requested cosmetic procedures in the world. Not only do middle-aged women want it, but so do a surprising percentage of young adults in their twenties.

Why Do College Students Get Plastic Surgery?

Some college students see cosmetic surgery as a way to improve their physical appearance and increase their self-confidence as they go on a journey of self-discovery and self-expression during their time at university. Plastic surgery is popular among college students for a variety of reasons, including to boost confidence, self-esteem, and physical beauty. Some may also contemplate cosmetic surgery as a way to meet the ideals of physical attractiveness promoted by the media and popular culture.

Views and Opinions on Cosmetic Surgery           

College students have a wide range of opinions when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Some people support the notion of body changes as a means of self-determination and empowerment, while others may raise concerns about hazards, ethical difficulties, and the pressure to adhere to unattainable aesthetic standards.

Whether or not cosmetic surgery helps people accept themselves and embrace their natural looks is a hotly contested topic.


The Impact of Social Media

College students’ ideas on what constitutes attractiveness and what constitutes a healthy physique have undoubtedly been influenced by the proliferation of social media.

Social media sites such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are inundated with before-and- after plastic surgery pictures, influencers endorsing cosmetic treatments, and commercials encouraging people to have surgery to look as they want. College students may feel pressured to get cosmetic surgery because of their continual exposure to curated pictures of “ideal” bodies.

Positivity Regarding One’s Own Body and the Fight Against Cosmetic Surgery

There has been a growth in the body positivity movement among young adults as a reaction to the rising popularity of cosmetic operations. This increase may be attributed to the fact that more people are opting to get cosmetic treatments.

This movement encourages self-love and acceptance without resorting to cosmetic surgery by honoring individuals of different sizes, shapes, and features. Plastic surgery may be perceived by many young people in college as being contrary to the ideas of the body positivity movement. Distinctions Between Men and Women Regarding Cosmetic Surgery.

There is evidence that students of different genders have different perspectives on the topic of cosmetic surgery in college. In recent years, a rising number of males have shown interest in undergoing cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, liposuction, and male chest reduction (also known as gynecomastia surgery), although women continue to prefer breast augmentation.

These divergent preferences are often impacted by the social conventions that society has established around masculinity and gender.

Consent and Ethical Considerations

Students in higher education who are contemplating cosmetic surgery pose significant ethical problems that need to be addressed. It is possible that decreasing the chance of making rash decisions that have negative consequences would require placing a higher priority on gaining informed consent, completing comprehensive mental examinations, and establishing appropriate expectations.

It should be the obligation of plastic surgeons, particularly those who focus on the treatment of young people, to prioritize the psychological and physiological well of their patients above the financial interests of their practice.

Final Words

The perspectives of college students on cosmetic surgery are complicated and multi- dimensional, and they represent the difficulties of cultural expectations, self-identity, and body image.

Plastic surgery is seen by some students as a form of self-empowerment and self- improvement, whilst others question the effect that it has on self-acceptance and the maintenance of beauty standards.

As the field of plastic surgery continues to advance, it is more important than ever to
have meaningful talks that respect the decisions that individuals make while also
advocating ethical practices, the significance of body positivity, and the value of loving
one’s self.

By gaining an awareness of the points of view held by college students, we may facilitate
a discussion that is more educated and more empathic about the ever-shifting environment of plastic surgery and the ramifications it has on the well-being of young people.

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