a child online gaming

Online Gaming Myths Debunked: The Truth Behind the Fiction

There are a lot of misconceptions about those who play games over the internet.
April 24, 2021
7 mins read

With the coronavirus disrupting our everyday lives, most internet users have been trying to find online replacements for their daily activities. That’s why, in the previous year, we’ve witnessed a surge in online gaming, and it seems to have become everyone’s number one pastime. It’s not only a great way of killing time, but it enables you to explore different communities and socialize in a time when face-to-face communication has been put on hold. From online gaming universes like League of Legends to online casinos that allow you to get a taste of the Las Vegas atmosphere, the options are never-ending.

However, many are still reluctant to join the world of online gaming, and find themselves held back by some of the widespread misconceptions about the gaming community. So, if you belong to this group of the ill-informed, keep reading to discover the truth behind the fiction.

Online gaming equals social isolation

A stereotype wrongly shared by many is that online gamers are introverted people, lacking the desire to communicate with the outer world and spending most of their days secluded in their pitch-dark bedrooms. This distorted image of a lonesome gamer puts people off from giving online gaming a chance, fearing it will result in their withdrawal from reality. Nevertheless, it’s often too easily forgotten that gaming was created with the sole purpose of being a social experience. Especially nowadays, with the safety risks of meeting in person, online games have opened their doors to people worldwide, giving them a place where they can connect, share experiences and chat regularly.

Online gaming is not the cause of social isolation but a solution to the problem. It creates a feeling of unity among players, and there’s not a better (and safer) way to maintain your social relationships in these tough times.

The online gaming world lacks variety

“Oh, so you’re into online gaming? Then you must play WoW, right?” Wrong! Just because you enjoy playing games online doesn’t necessarily mean that you spend your time playing WoW, aka World of Warcraft, on repeat like it’s the only game that’s ever existed in history. Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most successful multiplayer games out there, but far from being the only amusement the gaming world has to offer.

There are a limitless set of options for you to choose from — simulation games, sports tournaments, online casinos, role-playing games, to name a few. Monotony is not something you’ll come across once you venture on your gaming journey. The gaming industry keeps developing, providing its users with advanced design, brand-new stories, vivid characters, and engaging missions and tasks to complete.

It’s impossible to score a win

As mentioned before, there’s been an increased interest in online casino games recently since visiting actual casinos has become next to impossible due to safety measures. Therefore, many have turned to playing poker online, participating in slot tournaments and rolling dice from the comfort of their homes. Yet, there seems to be a number of people hesitant to place their first bets, believing it all to be a scam perfectly designed to take their money and leave them strapped for cash. Naturally, there are sketchy websites whose only goal is to trick you, but that’s why you need to figure out all the ins and outs before trying your luck on a slot machine. So, it’s highly recommended to read about slot machine odds beforehand and learn about how online casino games actually work.

Once you gather a general understanding of casino games’ settings, you’ll realize that your chances of winning the jackpot are not predetermined but a simple matter of luck.

Gaming is a no-girl zone

Probably one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to online gaming is that you’ll rarely find a female player within these realms. Although considered to be traditionally more popular with the male population, the phenomenon of women in gaming has been on the rise over the last couple of years. The statistics have shown that women are highly competitive and engaged in online gaming, especially women in the Asian gaming field. The online gaming industry has recognized these trends by creating powerful and independent female game characters and marketing games directly to the female population.

Don’t be swayed into thinking that gaming is reserved for men only — it’s an all-embracing environment, welcoming anyone who’s looking to have fun and meet new people along the way.

Key takeaways

Hopefully, this article will help you ditch those pesky preconceived notions about online gaming and encourage you to take a shot at some of the numerous games the internet has to offer. It won’t turn you into a lone wolf; quite the opposite: you’ll have the opportunity to socialize in an all-inclusive environment and even earn some extra cash. Instead of listening to what everyone else has to say, it’s best to get hands-on experience and test the waters to see whether online gaming could become your new favorite pastime.

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