College is a confusing time for everyone, undergraduates and graduates alike, but sometimes help is not readily available in times when you might actually need it. Luckily, YouTube is a tool that can provide students with the resources they need to succeed. The site showcases a variety of content, from lifehacks to studying tips for upcoming exams.
However, there are plenty of channels that are for educational purposes. The channels below will not only give you more depth into concepts you may not have understood initially but also let you have fun while learning. I cannot tell you how many times YouTube helped me get an A on my tests.
1. CrashCourse
I remember I saw quite a few of John Green’s videos in high school, primarily in my United States and World History classes. In the videos, Green offers lessons on many different subjects, such as history, politics, economics, philosophy, literature and much more, which makes the channel relevant to both high school and college students.
With amazing graphics (“thought bubbles”) and top-notch humor, Green provides excellent educational content, generally in the form of 10- to 12-minute videos.
2. Khan Academy
This channel is an extension of Khan Academy’s website, a website dedicated to providing children all over the world the education they need. To them, education should be a free tool open for anybody, even students who may not recall what they learned in elementary school.
The web-based educational initiative offers playlists that tackle a variety of subjects, such as science and biology, though I remember their algebra tutorials best. These concepts are generally delivered in straightforward, easy-to-understand lessons through a narrator who writes on the chalkboard.
3. Scishow
If you need help with science, psychology or astronomy, then this show is well worth your time. Hosted by Hank Green, brother of John Green from Crash Course, these videos offer a wide range of topics that give viewers up-to-date information about space and the human brain.
The channel allows students to explore questions they didn’t think of asking, such as why cats purr or what really killed dinosaurs. Even if viewers are not fully paying attention to what Green is saying (which is unheard of), the colorful animations and cool editing effects will definitely keep you watching.
4. AlternateHistoryHub
This channel explores how different life would be if major events in the United States didn’t happen. So, if you’re one of those people who wonder what the world would be like if Rome never existed or if France never surrendered to Germany, then this is the channel for you.
AlternateHistoryHub allows students to realize the significance of various historical events, which helps expand your mind and makes you wonder how different history could have been. It’s a must-watch for conspiracy theorists and history buffs.
5. The School of Life
This channel is all about “wisdom, emotional intelligence, and self-understanding.” I found The School of Life just recently and knew it simply had to make the list. The series explores humanities and has several playlists for art, literature and psychotherapy; it also places a heavy emphasis on emotional wellness.
The School of Life touches on topics that we may not consider on a daily basis, such as what meaningful work actually is and how long love can last. The narrator then explains these topics in a way that might remind you of visiting a therapist’s office, if the therapist knows what they’re talking about and is willing to help you understand your emotional intelligence.
The channel then discusses themes that are important in our lives, and its interactive graphics help you work through answer life’s deepest questions. If you are looking to expand your mind and learn more about yourself, then The School of Life is definitely the channel for you.

I can honestly go on and on about the other study channels you can check out, but I think you get the idea. Nowadays, you no longer have to limit learning to what you absorb from classrooms and in textbooks, as the internet is filled with tools that you can use to complement your regular studies.
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