While there are plenty of benefits to using social media, like keeping up with friends and family, overuse can have a negative impact on one's well-being.…
Alicia Cook's newest poetry collection is blunt, not only about the difficulties of healing from pain and depression, but also about how worthwhile it is to find hope.…
This Netflix original is an ideal starting point for people interested in incorporating reflection and processing one’s emotions into their daily lives.…
'The weather is fickle. Its changes are intermittent, as sporadic as the body’s response to raw terror, the visceral feeling of losing control and as volatile as a natural disaster ... The onset of a…
Season 4 of the hit Netflix series captures the troubled British royalty during the 1980s, punctuated by Princess Diana and Prince Charles' tumultuous marriage.…
Getting to know its reality by embodying the experience of pain and suffering in silence, so as to illustrate how these recurring afflictions often obscure the visibility of identity.…
The protagonist of the series receives a letter from her future self detailing pivotal events that will take place in her life. Over the course of the story, she learns to look out for those…
This time of year can be particularly stressful, especially for those struggling with mental health. In these troubling times, make sure to be there for those you love.…
Malcolm X said, 'The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman.' This video conference aimed to give them a space to share their experiences and uplift each other.…
Being optimistic is generally considered a good thing, but what happens when people take that to the extreme? Oftentimes the result pushes an upbeat attitude that ultimately invalidates normal human emotions.…
It's not just the place you sleep, especially now. Put more effort into making your space a special place you can unwind and enjoy, especially now that winter is up ahead.…