1. What is your major? Political Science with minors in Spanish and Political Communication
2. What is your dream job? Governor of Texas
3. What academic focus most interests you? South and Central American politics, as well as Russian literature
4. What are your intellectual strengths? This is a tough one, but level-headedness, probably. Objectivity may be a fancier way to say that.
5. What will you never understand? Math
6. What qualities do you most admire in a person? Loyalty and honesty
7. What is your most marked characteristic? Probably my accent or my voice
8. What angers you? Cyclists
9. What is currently on your mind? I’ve never seen Harry Potter before, and I just finished the second-to-last movie, so I’m wondering how the whole thing wraps up.

10. What historical figure do you admire? Napoleon or Ronald Reagan
11. What are your summer plans? Working to better this great university
12. Who are some of your favorite authors? Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck and Leo Tolstoy
13. What music are you into at the moment? Kendrick’s new album
14. What is your go-to meal? A rib-eye steak, medium rare, with a Caesar salad, steamed broccoli and a tall cool Budweiser
15. What’s your biggest struggle as a student? Getting to class on time—I like to stop and talk to everybody.
16. What is your favorite Instagram account? I’m not sure, probably mine. I don’t Instagram that much.
17. What is your most treasured possession? My grandma’s cast iron skillet
18. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Either Budweiser or good scotch
19. What is your typical outfit? Chinos, brown shoes and a blue button-down of some sort
20. What’s the best class you’ve taken in college? I had a great class on the psychological aspects of politics and politicians, which was really interesting.
21. What is your favorite place to eat? Los Vega Mexican restaurant—very good migas.
22. What’s a secret talent of yours? I do great impersonations of the past six presidents.
23. Where do you want to go most in the world? I really want to go to Spain, see the bullfights and take in the marvelous culture.
24. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Probably my smile. I can’t figure out how to smile real well.
25. What is your definition of failure? Not amounting to greatness by my own standards.
26. Where would you be if not in college? Washington D.C.
27. What makes you nervous? The dark, tbh
28. What is your biggest indulgence? Probably beer. Whoops.
29. What living person would you most like to meet? Rick Perry or George W. Bush
30. What is important to you right now? Achieving success on behalf of the great students of Texas State University
31. What is your greatest achievement? So far, being the president for the great students of Texas State University.
32. What is your motto? “Trust, but verify.”
[…] State University student body president Connor Clegg was impeached by student senators on Monday after being found guilty of all six articles of […]