While the Marvel Cinematic Universe tells beautiful tales of its many characters, there is one superhero whose character arc has been a tad underwhelming.…
The network that had a rocky relationship with the show's fan base has apparently been unprofitable since its inception, and some find its upcoming sale to be both bittersweet and symbolic.…
The Netflix original may have garnered polarizing opinions from fans and reviewers, but the film's central issue is what everyone should be paying attention to.…
As Marvel dives further into the multiverse, time travel and more, the newest Disney+ series may be exactly what Marvel needs to keep in touch with reality.…
The latest installment in the trilogy may be Marvel's most ambitious project yet, but it could also get messy with the introduction of the multiverse.…
After a journalist tweeted that the English singer would be joining the MCU just hours after the latest installment's world premiere, many discussed whether or not he should have done so.…