Fashion·Thoughts Dutch Colonialism in Southeast Asia was Always a Humanitarian Crisis Colonialism is not a thing of the past; rather, its facets have evolved into industries like fast fashion. Vera Pavlovich, Loyola University Maryland
Criticism·Film A Holly Jolly Molly Ringwald: John Hughes’ Sexism of an Insecure 80’s Icon John Hughes success lives on through the decades, but at whose expense? Emily Diaz, DePaul University
Culture·Music KPop Group Seventeen is Making Contemporary Dance An Accessible Artform Contemporary KPop choreographies are helping open more people up to the genre Finlay O'Connell, Minerva University
Screens Five Pieces of Media That Will Inspire You to Create If you’re stuck on a project and feel like you’ve lost the urge to create, give these pieces of media a watch. Amelie Allen, University of Arizona
Film Could Deadpool be the “Messiah” the MCU needs? As fun as the trailer was, after so many disappointing Marvel productions lately, is it worth getting hyped up? Santiago Rivera, Washington University in St. Louis
Classes·Culture Why College is the Perfect Time to Experiment with Gender College is the perfect time for gender experimentation thanks to all of the resources and opportunities it provides. Archie Wagner, University of Iowa
Sounds Mitski and the Spirit of Intimate, Strange Performances Mitski’s 2024 “The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We” North American tour has social media users speaking about concert etiquette and performative art. Mariana Vaca, Lake Forest College
Thoughts Springtime Stuck Season From watching people couple up around Valentine’s Day to friends graduating, there are so many changes that come with the spring breeze. Natalie VanHecke, University of Texas at Dallas
Music (G)I-DLE’s Second Album 2 Hits the Ground Walking Despite a strong first album (G)I-DLE failed on the follow-through. For their second album, the group could really have had a stronger start. Cerasela Hanseter, University of California, Berkeley
Thoughts Analyzing the Play “Mary Gets Hers” Analyzing the relevancy of female empowerment and independence in Emma Horwitz' new play “Mary Gets Hers”. Hamad Naroze, Hunter College
Thoughts Social Media & Self-Diagnosis With social media, awareness of symptoms of various diseases and disorders has spread rapidly, leading to a rise in self-diagnosis. Vera Pavlovich, Loyola University Maryland
Thoughts·TV Elmo and Steve: “How Are You Doing?” Causes A Movement From Sesame Street to Blue’s House, shedding light on the realities of mental health has taken center stage. Sarah Erin, Brooklyn College