Classes·Thoughts College Students Aren’t at the Voting Booth, but They Should Be This key demographic is noticeably absent at the polls. What's the solution? Alexander Landgraf, The University of Chicago
Thoughts How To Activate the Mental Hooks That Trigger Productivity Who wouldn't want to accomplish more? Daniel Reed
Sounds·Thoughts Nicki Minaj’s Notorious Beefs With Other Female Rappers The Queen of Rap is no stranger to public feuds, but her recent battle with Latto sheds light on the way she treats her fellow artists. Chelsie Ross, Florida A&M University
Screens Halloween Movies To Make You Laugh These spooky films will leave you in stitches ... Whether they mean to or not Megan Miller, Arizona State University
Thoughts Top 3 US States With the Highest Casino Revenue Learn more about casino revenue and how it's generated in different states of America. Daniel Reed
Classes Weed-Out Classes Are Cruel and Self-Defeating The firing of an NYU professor highlights key problems stifling the success and well-being of students across the country. Evan Tsuei, Westmont College
Screens Mike Judge Is the King of the Comedy Hill His work on shows like 'Beavis and Butthead' and 'King of the Hill' paved the way for many modern adult animated comedies. Paul Hoskin, Weber State University
Classes 5 Ways To Avoid Academic Burnout in College The problem pervades campuses across the nation. Here's how to deal with it. Azeezah Ibraheem, Near East University
Thoughts National Coming Out Day — Living Authentically as a Member of the LGBTQ Community Observed every year on Oct. 11, the day is a reminder of how far the community has come — and how much there is still left to do. Daniel Reed
Thoughts Conscious Breathing Is More Important Than You Think A clear mind is just a breath away. Valentina Palomino, SUNY Old Westbury
Classes How To Make a Good PowerPoint Presentation for College This bit of software can be an incredibly powerful tool. Daniel Reed
Thoughts Relationships 101: How To Ensure Your Breakup Doesn’t Break You With heartbreak season upon us, getting over an ex will be a difficult process for recent dumpers and dumpees. Here are some tips on how to make it through. Alexander Landgraf, The University of Chicago