College life is an exciting journey for students. Teenagers are leaving the parental nest to spread their wings and create a future for a better life.
It’s the transformation of a lifetime, filled with highs and lows, as well as a busy schedule that, sometimes, is just too much. Luckily, there are a vast amount of resources available to most students to help make the journey less stressful.
Here is a list of nine campus resources that might be beneficial to students.
1. Counseling Center
Students come across a variety of issues in college that sometimes may be beyond friend or family advice. Counseling centers on college campuses are usually free and often confidential.
Trained professionals aim to help students by providing individual, group and even couples counseling. Counseling centers also provide informative workshops for topics like dealing with stress in a student’s busy college schedule.
2. Career Services
Getting connected with career services is one of the most proactive things students can do for their future, and, in my opinion, the most helpful office on campus. Students usually come to college for an education and to prepare for a career.
Campus career offices can assist students in finding jobs after college, creating a resume, getting an internship and even providing helpful tips for the next interview.
There are also frequent job fairs throughout the semester that the campus career services encourage students to attend, as they are full of job opportunities.
3. Health Center
In case a student falls ill or has an injury, it’s best to stay in contact with the health center on campus. The health center offers affordable prices for college students and insurance plans. Some colleges also offer women’s clinics that provide breasts exams, birth control methods, pap smears and STI screenings.
With experienced healthcare providers, doctors and nurse practitioners, receiving help from the health center over any health concern students may have is more beneficial than traveling back home to the family doctor.
Campus health centers help ensure that students take responsibility of their own health, and they will often set up health education programs to inform students on hygiene and other self-care.
4. IT Support Center
Students often think that IT support is only available for campus computers, but that’s not the case. IT support centers can assist students with their own computers, such as issues with a frozen computer or a connection problem.
Another great aspect of IT support is that the trained professionals can suggest better programs for your laptop to function more smoothly. Just like other helpful centers on campus, IT support supplies classes teaching how to work different computer programs, and students have the ability to purchase the programs for personal use.
5. Library References
The library has a lot more to offer than just books and an area to do homework. A librarian can be the help students never knew they needed when it comes to big research projects or papers. Librarians can help students search for all the resources available related to the topic of interest.
Digital research databases through the library are another resource to be utilized by students, because they offer access to material that students would likely have to pay exorbitant prices for otherwise.
6. Public Safety Services
Public safety is all about keeping students safe. Late nights studying on campus lead to long walks home in the dark, which can be dangerous and scary. A majority of college campuses ensure that students’ safety is a priority and will supply escorts who can walk students to dorms or to vehicles upon request.
Public safety services work with the community to minimize crime on campus and provide a comfortable space for students and faculty to learn and work efficiently.
7. Writing Centers
Every student has to take a number of writing intensive courses, whether they like it or not. Some students love to write, and others, not so much. Either way, the writing center is on campus to help students with their writing.

With the help of the faculty, students can bring their papers and assignments to receive edits, proofreading and get valuable feedback and tips to enhance students’ writing abilities. Writing is more often than not a vital aspect of a student’s work load, and it’s beneficial to use the help in order to become a stronger writer.
8. Crisis Centers
From drug addiction to sexual assault and even thoughts of suicide, crisis centers are on campuses across the country to help students with on-campus crisis centers and hotlines.
It is important to know how to handle different crises, especially if students know of someone going through a situation too dangerous for them to handle by themselves. Campus crisis centers also often provide support groups for students in difficult situations, like depression, suicide or rape.
9. International Student Services
The transition to college can be a bit scary, but the transition to a whole new country, along with adjusting to college, can be incredibly intimidating. The center understands how difficult the adjustment can be for some students, which is why professionals are there to help in any way possible.
Assistants can help with immigration conflict and visa problems. There are academic advisors in the center specifically for international students in order to make sure they are on the right track to complete a degree and successfully transition into a career. If students from the college are interesting in studying abroad, there is usually information about the programs available, as well.
With an ample amount of resources, students can find any help right on their college campus. Faculty and staff are passionate about helping students in any way possible through safety, writing, tutoring, research and much more.
After all, students usually pay for the given resources in the semester tuition, so why not use them to their advantage? Utilize the services provided when you need them most, and become familiar with what your college has to offer. You never know what you might find.