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Budget boost: Growing your savings quickly and efficiently 

Having your savings in order is crucial for your well-being, and no matter how young you are, it’s never too early to start.
March 4, 2024
8 mins read

However, it can be pretty challenging to see any real progress. After all, living costs are mounting, and enduring inflation means you’ll always pay more for the same products. According to recent surveys, roughly half of consumers have nothing or very little in savings. If you’re in the same situation, there’s no reason to panic. However, you should start devising a strategy about what you can do.

There are many ways to save money, from beginning an investment portfolio and adding stocks and bonds to focusing on alternative assets and buy Bitcoin with bank transfer, to coming up with a robust budgeting plan and ensuring you don’t exceed it.Spending habits 

The main reason why many people cannot save enough money is because their spending habits can be somewhat chaotic. Even if you’re not prone to overspending and splurging yourself, you definitely know someone who fits this label. The best way to see how you spend your money is to make a list of everything you bought throughout the course of a week or month. Don’t leave out any expense, no matter how small. A coffee from a vending machine won’t be a fortune, but these small, almost undetectable expenses also add up over time.

Then, it’s time to look at which of the things you purchased were necessary, which can be reduced, and which eliminated or at least performed less frequently. Even when it comes to essential categories such as food, you’ll notice that there are ways to reduce, by shopping less and making sure you consume everything you buy. Apparel is another category where people typically spend too much money.

Limiting your purchases only to what you need or you’re sure you will use is good for your savings, your home as you avoid endless piles of stuff and clutter, and the environment, as fewer natural resources go to waste.

Eating habits 

Speaking of food, your eating habits can save you money as well. Recent data shows that the average American spent roughly 11.3% of their disposable income strictly on food in 2022. This is similar to the levels recorded in the 1980s. Eating out is the most common culprit, as it means spending more money and ignoring the groceries you’ve already bought and letting them become stale. Some meal planning can solve this issue, so you can limit the times you have to get takeaway.

Eating at home is also healthier, as the foods typically contain less salt and fat per portion. Meal planning also means that you’re more likely to buy only the things you need and that you’ll finish everything by the next time you go shopping. To spice it up a little, you can also add homemade versions of your favorite restaurant meals to your lunch and dinner. Once you develop your skills, you’ll see that you don’t even feel the need to order takeaway so often.

Side hustle 

No matter how much you want to save, you must also be realistic about how much you can actually save. This will mostly depend on your earnings. If you don’t have a considerable salary, your progress will undoubtedly be slower. But that doesn’t mean there’s no progress at all. Growth takes patience and consistency, so you need to be ready to put in the effort. Sometimes, you might make an additional expense that wasn’t part of your budget. That’s normal and part of the process.

Living a life that’s too spartan can cause you to feel restless and fundamentally dissatisfied with your life. You’re more likely to do a much bigger splurge that way, putting a much more significant dent in your budget than if you choose a balanced approach that leaves room for minor mishaps. However, you could always consider a side hustle if you’d like to see practical results faster. Having a stream of passive income means you’ll earn more overall.

The jobs best suited for you are the ones that can be seamlessly integrated into your routine and that don’t cause significant disruptions. Running an affiliate marketing business, crowdsourcing, branded surveys, or platforms that pay real money for daily activities you do online. If you have spare rooms in your home, you can rent them or list them on Airbnb or similar platforms. Pools, extra storage space and parking areas can also be shared.


If you’re constantly on the go, gas is a must. But you already know that the prices can climb here as well, so you spend quite a lot. The first thing that can help you save money in this regard is to change your driving habits. Sudden braking, accelerating, and speeding not only wear out your car and mean you’ll have to perform repairs much more often but also waste gas. Driving more evenly is cost-effective and safer.

Making sure your car is well taken care of will minimize fuel usage and keep your vehicle more efficient. Carpooling with friends or coworkers allows you to split the costs and reduces the carbon footprint of driving a car. There are special apps that will enable you to compare gas prices to find the cheapest alternative in your area.


Your electricity bill is a colossal money-guzzler, but bringing the costs down is easy. Switch to more efficient appliances, and unplug devices when you don’t use them. Remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Power companies can charge higher during times of higher demand and lower later in the day, typically from around 3 to 7 p.m. Doing your laundry or washing the dishes early in the morning can reduce costs, on top of giving you the opportunity to have a productive beginning of the day.

To sum up, saving money isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible to achieve either. All you need is a little discipline and perseverance. If you’re ready to get involved in investing, make sure to do your research before, so you discover the best options available.

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