Illustration by Sheila Tuttle, University of Minnesota

Why Do We Consume the Same Media Over and Over Again?

Do you often rewatch the same shows and read the same books and listen to the same songs on repeat? If so, you’re hardly alone!

We all seem to cycle through media we’ve already consumed repeatedly, rarely adding in something new. Why do we do this? What is the draw of watching the same media over and over again? Are we just reaffirming biases? Or bringing ourselves comfort? Can we learn to branch out in our media?

While there are arguments to be made for reaffirming existing biases that we have, there’s also something to be said about the comfort of rewatching shows. When we watch the same shows on repeat, we find solace in knowing what’s going to happen. In an uncontrollable world, knowing how things end in a show or book can bring an infinite amount of relief.

I’ve found that when my life is more stable, when classes are going well, friendships are great, and drama is low, I become willing to branch out in the type of media I consume. As soon as things tend to be better, it’s easier to try new things and break out of that comfort zone we carefully craft for ourselves. 

There’s nothing wrong with rereading the same books, rewatching the same shows, and turning that favorite song on repeat. If life is a mess, and often it is, there’s something soothing about knowing the ending to something for certain. While the characters in a show or movie go through their own drama, everything always turns out okay. While the song sounds a little different every time you hear it, as it sinks deeper into your soul, it’s always the same chords and lyrics. While the book gets more worn out, the spine starts to crack and the pages start to tear, the words are always the same.

Sameness and routine are key when life decides to upend itself. We battle constantly with an ever-changing world, so there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of repetition when we need it. Self-soothing is something we’ve all been taught since we were young; this is just another way to do that. 

Of course, even when we are stressed, some of us desire to branch out in the media we take in, but find ourselves consumed by this circle of repetition. How can we break out of it? How can we start a new show or a new book?

While this may not be the advice you want to hear, it’s really a simple answer. Just do it. There’s only one way to do new things, and it’s rarely starting slowly. For example, if you’ve ever been ziplining, you know that you can’t hesitate. You have to stand there, all hooked up in your harness, take a deep breath, and step off the ledge.

Alternatively, when we’re looking at doing new things, baby-steps to get to them can be helpful. Such as, trying a new shade of lipstick, or buying those shoes you wouldn’t normally go for.  In the same way, you could try branching out just slightly. Maybe instead of rewatching that one comfort show every time, switch and watch a movie you’ve seen before but haven’t watched in a while. This is a great way to take those baby-steps and start branching out a bit more.

If you aren’t ready to zipline with your media quite yet, or even take those baby-steps, that’s okay, too. Don’t pressure yourself to do things you aren’t ready for, especially when life is hard. That’s not to say don’t challenge yourself, but just don’t over do it. Do what works best for you. If you want to push yourself and start something new, or try something wild, go for it! You may find something you love. If you aren’t up for that yet, that’s completely fine! Settle in with some media that you know and love. Let yourself have that comfort. You deserve it.

Natalie VanHecke, University of Texas at Dallas

Contributing Writer

Natalie VanHecke

University of Texas at Dallas


"Natalie is a Literature major at the University of Texas at Dallas. When she’s not writing or studying, she can be found curled up with a good book and her dog."

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