Reviving Radio Through Daily Drive Cerasela Hanseter, University of California, Berkeley Undiscovered by many, the Daily Drive on Spotify incorporates both users’ favorite songs and recent news to recreate radio on Spotify.… May 14, 2024
The Genius of ‘Trolls Band Together’ Julia Ray, Northern Arizona University Is the latest 'Trolls' sequel really just another typical kid’s movie, or does it have more to offer?… January 12, 2024
3 Fact Checking Strategies To Combat Social Media Misinformation Tamara Kamis, Cornell University Social media has been a useful source for news and critical information. However, it is essential that you fact check information and ensure it is reputable.… September 14, 2020
‘Trolls World Tour’ Uses Popular Music To Talk About Coming Together S. T. Perez, Texas A&M University, San Antonio Underneath the catchy songs is a message about reaching out to others despite our differences.… May 9, 2020