Classes·Thoughts E-cigarettes Aren’t Solving the Smoking Epidemic; They’re Replacing It They were supposed to be the solution to the smoking epidemic. But are they actually making the problem worse? Azeezah Ibraheem, Near East University
Classes·Thoughts College Students Are Making a Difference in the Midterm Election Facing issues spanning from reproductive rights to climate change, young voters are ready to make their voices heard. Alexander Landgraf, The University of Chicago
Classes·Thoughts Seasonal Coffee To Enjoy During the Holidays These enjoyable beverages are perfect for fall or winter. Caroline Ocampo, The University of Texas at Arlington
Sounds This Generation Loves Harry Styles — and Rightfully So This well-known singer from One Direction has changed the face of pop music. Here's a peek at what makes the musician so popular. Olivia Moosey, DePaul University
Thoughts The Rise and Fall of Social Media Platforms Elon Musk's recent acquisition of Twitter has left thousands of users dissatisfied. But Twitter isn't the first platform to fall from grace. Kane Howard, York College
Thoughts Being a Starving Artist Isn’t Wrong While society deifies the person and their works, everyone forgets the human being and their struggles. Jacob Puestow, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Thoughts The Enduring Legacy of The Rolling Stones The band's blend of image, talent and grit is what makes it legendary. Daniel Reed
Thoughts The Meteoric Rise of Yuugado Online Casino This exciting new operator has quickly taken Japan by storm. Daniel Reed
Classes·Thoughts Neocities: An Underrated Online Gem Modern-day social media has moved away from letting users completely customize their accounts. But some users find themselves missing their individuality. Shawna Smith, University of Phoenix
Screens It’s ‘Time Enough at Last’ To Reflect on ‘The Twilight Zone’ Rod Serling's 1959 science-fiction anthology series has horrified audiences for decades. Paul Hoskin, Weber State University
Screens ‘Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me’ Tells Some But Not All of Her Story The actress/singer speaks her truth to fans in the new documentary. Ally Najera, California State University, Northridge
Classes Gender-Neutral Pronouns: How Do You Say ‘They’ in Spanish? With inclusive vocabulary becoming more prevalent in English, the question now becomes how to translate such to gendered languages. Elannah Swarnes Matos, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez