Bread with nut butter spread.

How Nut Butter Earnt Its Rightful Pace as the Ideal Fuel for Your Body

Nut butter is essentially a spread made from blending water with nuts until it forms a paste-like consistency.
December 20, 2023
4 mins read

What do you think of when you hear the term Nut Butters? When we hear or say a word, there are two forces at work, namely denotation and connotation.Denotation is the more straightforward of the two, and refers to the literal or primary meaning of a word, or in simple terms, its definition. This is, however, in somewhat of an opposition to the actual feelings and/or ideas that a word can suggest. 

Take for instance the word lion. An apt denotation would be that a lion is a large tawny-coloured cat that lives in prides, and is found in Africa and north-western India. In contrast, if we were to consider the connotation of the word lion, words and concepts such as bravery, leadership, independence and freedom come to mind. This is why, for instance, a brand might choose a lion to feature in their logo if they were looking to associate these characteristics with their company and/or products.

When it comes to nut butter, there was a time when butter’s connotation was that of something unhealthy, fatty, and, in essence, to be avoided. However, this line of thinking could not be further from the truth, or, to be exact, the science. So, let’s dive in and find out why Nut Butters are considered by many to be the ideal fuel for your body!

A World of Nut Butters

For a large proportion of people, peanut butter is the first and only nut butter that comes to mind. Step into the modern age, and you have an abundance of choice, including almond butter, cashew butter, walnut butter, pecan butter, macadamia butter and pistachio butter.They come in both crunchy or creamy options, and they can even be used in savoury or sweet contexts.

A Common Misconception

If you take a general look at the history of recommendations regarding food nutrition, it is clear that times have progressed for the better. With more research, the reputation and awareness surrounding Nut Butters has been transformed. Whereas it was once something considered to be unhealthy, the story is very different today.

Nut Butters are now widely regarded as a great addition to a balanced diet because they provide heart-healthy fats, fibre and protein. In addition to plant-based protein, Nut Butters are packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them the ideal food to fuel your body.

In addition to the fact that you can now get your hands on a huge variety of Nut Butters, you can easily source both organic and raw Nut Butters too! Moreover, if you find the right one for you, they are generally pointed to as one of the tastiest foods in existence.

The Bottom Line

While each variety of Nut Butter offers unique health benefits, the main point is that due to nutrients like omega 3, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamin E, which may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases, the regular consumption of Nut Butters can also improve your cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and boost weight loss efforts. 

In conclusion, the Nut Butter revolution has well and truly happened, so we recommended getting in on the action!

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