A pussy is defined by Dictionary.com as a timid, passive person, especially a man. Haven’t we all met one of these? And weren’t they kind of, oh how do I put this delicately? The worst? Even though the pussy if often considered an insult specifies males, that doesn’t mean that women are exempt from what the term embodies. Not every woman can truthfully say that she’s strong, independent and don’t need no man!
I’ve run into some people who believe that using the word pussy as an insult is sexist since it’s slang for a woman’s genitalia. Though that’s a sound argument, considering that the word is usually used against men, I can’t say that I agree. Why? Because the word dick––an informal term for a man’s penis––is also an insult, but it’s used to describe rude, arrogant, hot-tempered and all-around unpleasant people.
What makes someone a dick has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity; to be a dick, you have to be a terrible person. To be a pussy, you have to be weak as a human being, which is something anyone can do, whether man or woman, liberal or conservative, black or white, even religious or atheist. Wherever you come from, your behavior is a choice, which makes the following six qualities not only optional, but also inexcusable.
1. Entitlement Complex
If a person thinks that everything should go their way at all times, believes that everyone should cater to them and views their needs as more important than anyone else’s, then they’re a pussy.
To make things worse, entitled people may try to pass their wants off as needs, which is something I encountered in high school. When my high school started enforcing uniforms––yes, I know, ew––there was a group of girls who insisted that the uniforms were too big and that they should be allowed to wear skirts shorter than what dress code allowed. Meanwhile, everyone else, my size-zero self included, had to wear gross, frumpy clothes that made us look like we replaced our butt cheeks with pancakes.
2. Victimhood Complex
You probably saw the heading and thought something along the lines of “duh.” No one likes a “poor me” attitude, and when has self-pity done anything positive for a person’s well-being? People with a victimhood mentality tend to think that no one’s life is worse than theirs and that they can’t do anything to improve their circumstances.

I’m aware that suffering is not a competition, but it’s also no excuse to feel sorry for yourself and demand special treatment. In reality, an attitude adjustment could make a person’s life a whole lot better and could work to improve their situation.
3. Hypersensitivity
You saw this one coming.
Hypersensitivity is a typical trait of the social justice warrior (SJW), and anything that’s a characteristic of an SJW is understandably synonymous with the insult pussy. Having to police your speech in front of someone is the social-interaction equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. Getting easily offended is a choice, and honestly, how many people who just speak to hurt others have you actually met?
Giving someone the benefit of the doubt goes a long way in combatting oversensitivity. Having thick skin is going to get you further in life than taking everything personally.
4. Fear of Failure
Let’s be fair, everyone is scared of failing, but there’s a line between taking your time to pursue a dream and being unwilling to do any of the work to achieve it. Chances are you know where you stand, but newsflash: The fear of failure only breeds more failure.
If you’re too afraid to apply for a job, school or internship because you may get rejected, well then that’s a crap reason. You may think that your chances of succeeding in that occupation or university are practically zero, but your odds will be exactly zero if you never try. When you let fear hold you back, you’ll never achieve anything, and you’ll stay unremarkable. I know that may sound harsh, but it’s true. Rejection is inevitable, and life goes on whether you want it to or not.
5. Believing Nothing Is Your Fault
Being a pussy means that someone is cowardly, and always blaming someone else means that the person pointing the finger is too much of a wuss to admit that they were wrong. If your efforts are successful, then someone else gets the blame and consequences intended for them.
If the only way to feel comfortable with yourself is to say that you’re incapable of mistakes and making others suffer for your errors isn’t being a pussy, then what is? Accepting that something is your fault never feels good, but it lets you get the consequences out of the way quicker.
6. Getting Angry When People Disagree with You
People have the right to hold opinions different from yours. Everybody has an unpopular opinion, even you, whether it’s about religion, politics or entertainment. For example, if you voted for Clinton, then you have an unpopular opinion, but that’s okay. You’re not the only one who wanted her to win, and even if you were, disagreeing with the majority is your God-given right.
Many of my friends and classmates were Clinton voters, but none of them treated me poorly or thought less of me when they heard that I voted for Trump. On the contrary, I know someone whose classmate called the campus police when they saw “Trump 2016” written in chalk. If reporting something that could be fixed by a hose or a rain shower doesn’t make someone a pussy, I don’t know what does.
You can follow or defy every single gender role, but neither has the final say in whether you’re a strong or weak person. What truly makes someone a pussy is their inability to deal with life’s inconveniences and keep their feelings under control.
im a pussy and i dont care…stick it up your asses. its all about me, not you douche bags.
i’m happy being a pussy. I collect social security for being nuts and being a pussy. i have no friends and i never get laid , i also have small amounts of money, i have a small 4 inch penis as well but i’m happy…i spend my time partying and listening to music, watching horror movies, reading books and magazines and marvel comic books, i cook from recipes in cookbooks, i play guitar, i do water colors and draw, i like to surf the web,i go for long epic walks especially in rain and snow storms, i hate people because they are too aggressive and violent, they lie and are arrogant and competitive. most people intimidate me, people are stupid and greedy. i support the police. i am not hip or cool and i’ll call the cops on you if i have issues with you’re dumb ass. fuck all you assholes and bullies….stick i where the sun don’t shine
I feel like the word “pussy” is so subjective. For example you could show only one of these traits and everything else persevere. Though I don’t really oppose anyone for a good enough reason, for example people insult me all the time for being kind, I have no shame for that; I do have moments of social awkwardness and just straight forward feel uncomfortable in certain situations but that doesn’t really feel like fear. Though I find it strange how someone feels the need to address and label someone this because it comes off ego deprived, I know many jerks but do not label them a name. Like I know people literally consider someone who’s introverted as a pussy when that’s just out right ridiculous, that’s what I mean by subjective. Being kind to everyone out of goodness is considered being a pussy so then it’s like uhh where do you want me to go for your approval? So with that said I’ll continue being kind and be myself, if I’m perceived a pussy so be it I prefer being good even if it means being ostracized because if being a jerk or straight forward terrible person not caring about how others feel I openly tighten my chains to being called whatever anyone calls me 🙂
Someone that call pussy those who fight for social justice (SJW) as you call them , is one with no guts to go through life respecting other’s life because it looks so difficult, only use and abuse of others is the only way they see to get what they call happiness or actually just making a living in such a dangerous world as they see it , don’t forget to carry a gun just in case.
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I have one of these traits yeah I said it getting mad when some one disagrees. About my Christian faith in particular. When I tell them my opinions they get mad and start sharing their opinions but then I get mad. I get mad for good reason. Their believing lies that most Christians don’t believe in and repent and believe in the gospel you don’t have to but your gonna regret it.
Takes a pussy to know a pussy lmfaooo. Fuck outta here