Ravenclaw I like to work with people in this house a lot because they’re usually funny and great to be around. Ravenclaws tend to be creative, witty and have individuality, so they’re the kind of people who bring the office to life. In my experience, the Ravenclaw coworkers I’ve had are huge jokesters and pranksters. Once while I was at work, I was using my computer to chat with a customer via our online system. Suddenly, the mouse icon on my screen started to move. Looking over to my mouse, I grew confused. I didn’t touch it at all, so I passed it off as a glitch. As I continued to chat with the costumer, the mouse moved again and opened a tab that was opened to our company’s Twitter page. I quickly moved back in my rolling chair, hands up in the air and said, “My mouse is possessed!” Immediately, my Ravenclaw friend was laughing and held up a wireless mouse for me to see. Ravenclaws are seriously the best pranksters. Not only are they fun to work with, but they are also effective because they always come up with creative ways to go about completing tasks. Whenever everyone else is stuck thinking about how to solve an issue, the Ravenclaw is able to offer different ways to approach the situation.
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